Go to college so that your life is easier than mine.

Go to college so you can be someone in life.

If you don’t go to college you will not be able to get a good job.

Go to college so you can move to another country more easily.

I will not allow you to NOT go to college.

I grew up in a household where things like that were very common in day to day conversation. So all throughout high school I knew that as soon as I graduated I would have to go to college. The thing is, that I never knew what I really wanted to study, so I was intimidated by it, and I ended up studying not one but two different careers that I didn’t want to study, only to drop out of college and realize, that none of those things that I was told were true.

There are many misconceptions about going to college that come from a place in history in which those things were true, you had to go to college in order to have an easier life than your parents, to have a good job and make a good enough amount of money, but in a time where new services are developing and new jobs that didn’t exist before are being created, maybe going to college right after graduating high school might not be the best choice for you. It certainly wasn’t for me. And I want to share with you what other options you have, and the things you can ignore when making your decision.

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